in Unique Environments

Elevating Environmental Standards
True North's Impact on Mines and Cleanup
Our mission is to support social and corporate sustainable development in unique environments.

Health & Safety
Committed to Quality
True North’s comprehensive health and safety management meets or exceeds Canadian Occupational Health and Safety legislation and WCB/WSIB requirements. Our teams have met the requirements for some of the largest and safety-conscious international companies.
Responsible &
Striving for Incident-Free Workplaces
Health & Safety is the most important aspect of all activities carried out by True North Environmental teams. Our integrated approach emphasizes individual accountability; practical and proven measures are in place to protect employees, clients, subcontractors, and the public at large.
Field and office projects are able to maintain the highest standards of health and safety excellence through effective training, careful planning, strong management, and regular inspections. Our health and safety program goal is an incident-free workplace. As such, our employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, in every job, is necessary for the safety excellence this company expects.
True North’s comprehensive health and safety management meets or exceeds Canadian Occupational Health and Safety legislation and WCB/WSIB requirements.
Our teams have met the requirements for some of the largest and safety-conscious international companies.
General Services
True North utilizes our own equipment, materials and staff, including those provided by subcontractors in undertaking complex projects at remote locations and in urban environments.
Our areas of expertise include:
- Demolition
- Hazardous Material Abatement
- Contaminated Site Remediation
- Installation / Operation of In-situ Remedial Systems
Environmental Contracting
Comprehensive Project Management and Execution
True North regularly undertakes contracting projects requiring the development of site-specific health and safety plans, administration of contracts, and assumption of the prime contractor role; managing scope, schedule and budget for complex multi-year projects.
True North Team Members have heavy equipment commonly used in environmental remediation, including excavators, loaders, skid steers, dozers and compaction equipment. We are well supported by our transportation division and have the ability to manage both large remedial excavations with backfill, compaction, and resurfacing as well as the installation of remedial systems. We are also registered with the PTMAA as Certified tank removers. Owing to the large volume of soil we transport, True North is also able to secure preferential disposal pricing and supplied fill.
Waste Management Facilities – True North has successfully navigated regulatory permitting and construction of waste management facilities in Northern and Western Canada. Our Team Member, KBL, owns and operates facilities include hazardous waste transfer facilities (NT, YK), soil treatment facilities (NU, NT) and hydrovac slurry facilities (AB). We also offer management services of existing facilities for clients, including municipalities, businesses and government.
True North has sited facilities in strategic locations to better service clients in the jurisdictions we operate. We currently operate hazardous waste transfer facilities in Northwest Territories and Yukon, several soil treatment facilities in each of the three Territories and a material transfer facility in Alberta.
We are actively pursuing opportunities to expand both our facility presence and type.
Navigating Environmental Excellence
True North’s team of professionals provide consulting services ranging from environmental and waste management consulting, remediation, waste management consulting, to support liability management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste on behalf of our clients. Our supplementary services include emergency response and environmental products.
We manage all aspects of waste, including management plans, spill response, contaminated site management, waste stream cost-efficiency analyses, site remediation, environmental product supplies and specialty equipment rentals. Our team of professionals are experienced in providing specialized services for each unique challenge a client may have.
True North provides a range of services to manage or support contaminated site management for government, industry and private clients.
Internal consulting services have been established for servicing our clients internal needs pertaining to soil and water treatment and hazardous waste management. These services have allowed True North to provide turnkey services for contaminated site management. Remediation experience ranges from small localized fuel spills to complex high profile contaminated sites involving multiple contaminants, and sensitive receptors.
Members of our team have successfully overseen site remediation projects throughout western and northern Canada. True North member, KBL Environmental ,also manages its own contaminant treatment facilities, which translates into a greater understanding of some of the challenges faced when working in unique settings. True North’s internal consulting capacity provides our clients with a turnkey remediation solution.
The True North Team brings proven experience in providing consultancy services, including:
- Waste Management Plans
- Spill Response
- Contaminated Site Management
- Site Remediation
- Waste Stream
- Cost Efficiency Analysis
- Remediation
Hazardous Waste Transfer
Specialized Waste Management Solutions
True North Team Members have permitted, constructed, and operate two hazardous waste transfer facilities. Facilities are utilized for the storage, segregation and consolidation of approved for waste streams for bulk transportation to specialized end receivers. Facilities are designed, engineered, constructed and maintained, preventing environmental impact with the management of industrial waste.
Hazardous and non-hazardous wastes can be received from waste generators; classes accepted for processing include:
- Non-Regulated
- Class 2 Gases
- Class 3 Flammable liquids
- Class 4 Flammable Solids
- Class 5 Oxidizers
- Class 6 Poisonous substances
- Class 8 Corrosives
- Class 9 Miscellaneous
True North Team Member permitted and operational transfer facilities are located in Yellowknife, NT and Whitehorse, YT.
Soil Treatment Facilities
From Contamination to Rejuvenation
Soil treatment facilities (STF) are utilized for the receipt of contaminated soils that can be treated to levels approved for beneficial re-use. Jurisdictional regulations govern requirements of the facilities engineering and operations through formal permitting processes. Facilities are frequently located adjacent to municipal solid waste landfills, so treated soils can be re-used as cover material for low density municipal solid waste. A formal profiling process is completed, including chemical analysis and review by technical staff to understand levels of contamination and ensure that treatment can be achieved.
True North Team Member KBL is currently operating four STF’s with another three in various levels of permitting and construction. Current locations include:
Spill Response
Safeguarding Environments and Communities
True North’s team provides spill response services from the point of release to final remedial action. Internal hazardous material technicians are equipped to respond to small and large-scale releases. Our team and network of subcontractors are prepared to respond to releases posing a risk to the environment and/or public. Personnel have been trained as hazardous materials technicians and the necessary equipment is stationed at strategic locations to be prepared in the event of a product release.
Our emergency response department works with clients to quickly assess an incident, respond with the appropriate personnel and equipment and work with the client and local authorities to stop the release, salvage any product and equipment, manage and execute any remediation required and provide final reports and documentation to the client and/or authorities as required.
Environmental Products
Stocked or Customized, Solutions for Every Project
True North stocks and sources a wide variety of environmental products utilized for waste management and project remediation. Purchase and/or rental options are available depending on the product. True North stocks specific environmental products in each of the operational locations based on internal needs in addition to clients’ requirements.
Typical stock products include:
- UN Approved Drums
- UN Approved Pails
- UN Approved Lined Megabags
- UN Approved Totes
- Double Wall Cubic Meter Bins
- Absorbent Products Including Granular, Booms, and Pads
- Overpack Containers
Additionally, True North leverages relationships with manufacturers and suppliers to source any custom environmental products that a client may need. This includes but is not limited to hazardous materials storage structures, secondary containment and specialized emergency response equipment.